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Proceedings European Conference ITEM


Integrating Technologies into Mathematics Education
Primary, Secondary, Tertiary
Reims, France, june 2003, 20-22

Edited by

·       Jean-Baptiste Lagrange, Michèle Artigue, Dominique Guin, Colette Laborde, Dominique Lenne, Luc Trouche


Five years after the European Congress about the use of complex calculators (Montpellier, 1998), three years after the CAS meeting of Rennes (2000), ITEM aimed to confront experience and research about the uses of technology to teach and learn Mathematics in Europe and in the world. The contribution of non-French speakers and the exchange of ideas and experience between French speaking and non-French speaking participants have been encouraged by way of simultaneous translation.

The program was made of 4 plenary conferences, a panel, 59 contributed communications and 30 workshops. The number and quality of these contributions are an evidence of a mature and relevant body of research and experiments. These proceedings reflect this maturity and relevance.

The most addressed issues were:

  • role of computer applications (spreadsheet, computer algebra, dynamic geometry) of calculators in the learning of usual mathematical domains (arithmetic, algebra, calculus and geometry),
  • potential contribution of computer science and applications in new domains like statistics, mathematics of discrete quantities, modelling,
  • basic algorithmic knowledge as a part the teaching and learning of mathematics,
  • collaborative work and distant training by way of the Internet: students solving problem collaboratively, teachers pooling their teaching materials, research on the organisation of teaching resources favouring a mutual use,
  • skills, knowledge and proficiencies that a teacher needs in these new settings.

Scientific committee

  • Gilles Aldon (CII Math-Info)
  • Michèle Artigue (IREM et DIDIREM, U. Paris VII)
  • Teresa Assude (IUFM Aix-Marseille)
  • Hélène Authier (IREM, Université Reims)
  • Georges-Louis Baron (INRP)
  • Jean-Michel Bazin (IUFM Reims)
  • Hamid Chaachoua (IUFM Grenoble)
  • Elisabeth Delozanne (IUFM Créteil & LIUM)
  • Paul Drijvers (Freudenthal Inst., Nederland)
  • Dominique Guin (ERES & LIRMM, Université Montpellier II)
  • Tuong Ha-Duong (Université T. Compiègne)
  • Celia Hoyles (Univ.of London, Great Britain)
  • Ghislaine Joly-Blanchard (U.T. Compiègne)
  • Colette Laborde (IUFM Grenoble)
  • Jean-Baptiste Lagrange (IUFM Reims)
  • Dominique Lenne (Heudiasyc Université T. Compiègne)
  • Maria-Alessandra Mariotti (Univ. Pise, Italy)
  • John Monaghan (Univ. Leeds, G.Britain)
  • Adrian Oldknow (Math.Assoc, G.Britain)
  • Werner Peschek (Univ.Klagenfurt, Austria)
  • Luc Trouche (IREM, Université Montpellier II)
  • Nurit Zehavi (Weizmann Institute, Israël)


Organisation and support

ITEM was organized by the IUFM Champagne-Ardenne (ERECA) and the Commission Inter-IREM Math-Informatique with the support of theINRP, the ARDM, the ATIEF, the ADIREM, the ville de Reims and theRégion Champagne-Ardenne.

in connection with the
3rd CAME (Computer Algebra in Mathematics Education) Symposium 23-24 juin2003